

    WateReuse 2025 Symposium – March 16-19, 2025 in Tampa, FL

    Advance Registration Ends Tuesday, March 11th. Advance registration for the 2025 WateReuse Symposium, March 16-19 in Tampa FL ends next Tuesday, March 11th. All registrations after Tuesday will be processed at the onsite registration rate of $1,600 for WateReuse Association members and $1,900 for non-members. Register now for the premier water recycling event drawing an international [...]

      How Can AI Technologies Be Used to Ethically Provide Clean Drinking Water?

      By Susi Ricker Artificial intelligence (AI) describes an ever-evolving cyber tool which can be used to assist in many different business applications, including the water industry. Due to the fast implementation of this methodology, there are unknowns which create challenges in establishing protocols. AI technologies can be used ethically to provide clean drinking water by applying [...]

        EPA Announces Proposed Regulatory Determinations for the Fifth Contaminant Candidate List

        EPA Announces Proposed Regulatory Determinations for the Fifth Contaminant Candidate List on January 7, 2025, EPA released preliminary determinations for contaminants on the Fifth Contaminant Candidate List, a mechanism under the Safe Drinking Water Act to evaluate drinking water contaminants for potential nationwide regulation. The contaminants that EPA analyzed under the Fifth Contaminant Candidate List were [...]

          U.S. EPA Finalizes New PFAS and Toxic Chemical Testing Rules for Manufacturers

          EPA Reforms New Chemicals Review Process to Better Protect Public Health, Promote Efficiency and Consistency Final amendments will ensure that new PFAS and persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals are subject to safety review process prior to manufacture On December 4, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized amendments to the regulations that govern the [...]

            2023 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Annual Report

            EPA has released its 2023 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) annual report. The annual report highlights key programmatic and financial information including the amount of loans and assistance provided to communities, set-asides totals, savings to the communities amongst other information from FY 2023 and throughout the history of the program. Case studies are highlighted at [...]

              Manufacturers Challenge Infeasible, Costly Water Standard

              Manufacturers Challenge Infeasible, Costly Water Standard The NAM Legal Center and ACC File Suit to Block the Rule Washington, D.C. – Today, June 11, 2024, the National Association of Manufacturers, joined by the American Chemistry Council, filed a petition in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s final rule setting individual standards for [...]