Membership Benefits

As a WWEMA member, you’ll join a group of the most influential executives in the industry—decision-makers who are working together to shape the future of water and wastewater technology—and you’ll access resources to help your company grow and succeed. The benefits of membership include WWEMA meetings, educational programming, industry information, and networking opportunities.

WWEMA offers exclusive member benefits you can’t get anywhere else. Our frequent Member Bulletins summarize and provide a comprehensive analysis of legislative, regulatory, and policy events, keeping you up to date on critical happenings in real time. Our bi-monthly Buy America Updates and Buy America Fact Sheet keep our members and the broader water industry up to date on the latest policies, guidance, waivers, and resources to help understand and meet these new requirements. Our PFAS Liability Resources webpage provides updates on WWEMA activities and important information on this rapidly evolving issue at the Federal, state, and local level. Our WWEMA Market Indicators Survey Report gauges the water and wastewater equipment manufacturing market over an extended period of time. WWEMA is also well-known for its Member Concierge Service. When members have industry or business-related questions or concerns, the WWEMA staff does the research and provides the answers in a timely manner. The Concierge Service is consistently rated as one of the top benefits by WWEMA members.

Additional member benefits include webinars; brand and product promotion; and the Members-Only section of the WWEMA website where you have access to detailed, comprehensive Buy America resources, special reports, presentations, and employee onboarding resources.

View the Membership in WWEMA – What’s in it for You? return on investment document as well as the 12 Benefits of WWEMA Membership document.

To see how we help our members, view three case studies. WWEMA Case Studies


WWEMA is the only organization solely representing the interests of water and wastewater technology providers on regulatory, legislative, and policy issues, including the new Buy America requirements. WWEMA is the principal advocate for technology providers by promoting value-based procurement; defending fair and open trade; supporting sustainable infrastructure financing; promoting adoption of new and innovative technologies; and advising the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help ensure that proposed water regulations are scientifically based and technologically achievable. WWEMA also works with states and utilities to find ways to break down barriers to new, innovative solutions to today’s water and wastewater challenges and improve market access to member-company technologies.

Among the many issues members work together to tackle:

  • Buy America requirements
  • Fair and open trade
  • Increased funding for water and wastewater infrastructure
  • PFAS liability issues
  • Acceptance and adoption of innovative technologies
  • Value-based procurement
  • Responsible water regulations
  • Building your business bottom line


WWEMA keeps members informed and offers exclusive educational opportunities on topics of specific interest to manufacturers. WWEMA leads with events, products, and services including conferences, programs, market research, industry surveys, webinars, and relevant weekly communications to help members track and engage in legislative, regulatory, and policy initiatives, and monitor and track industry trends and market opportunities. The Members-Only section of the WWEMA website offers Buy America and PFAS resources, industry-related reports, WWEMA position papers, legislative/regulatory updates, industry articles, and more. Additionally, the website contains onboarding and training resources, including two WWEMA-produced videos on Building a Water Treatment Plant and an Overview of the Wastewater Treatment Process. Videos on other topics such as combined sewer overflows, project delivery methods, and doing business internationally are also cataloged. Nowhere else will you find:

  • Frequent Buy America Updates and Bi-Monthly Buy America Fact Sheets. Advocacy, education, and leadership is the hallmark of WWEMA activities as it relates to the new Buy America requirements. WWEMA empowers waters technology manufacturers and their representatives with the information and knowledge to understand the requirements and navigate the complex and ever evolving compliance landscape.
  • Weekly Economic Updates. WWEMA draws from a well-known group of economists to provide weekly updates to members on the economy, domestic and international trade, construction and housing starts, supply chain issues, and the status of workforce/hiring in the manufacturing sector.
  • WWEMA Member Emails. Offers timely industry-related reports; industry articles; marketing opportunities; and summarizes legislative, regulatory, and policy events.
  • Legislative and Regulatory Updates. Comprehensive analysis of legislative and regulatory initiatives with links to more detailed information.
  • WWEMA Meetings. The best source of industry information according to WWEMA members, the Washington Forum focuses on policy and regulatory issues, the Annual Meeting addresses operational priorities to help member companies grow their bottom line, the Finance & Contract Administration Meeting is a must-attend event for anyone working with contracts, and the Presidents Council Meeting gathers company presidents and senior leaders together in a one-day event to discuss industry trends and future directions.
  • Webinars. WWEMA offers webinars throughout the year to keep members educated and up-to-date on industry-related issues. In addition to internal webinars, WWEMA provides information to members on external webinars that may have an impact on their technologies or product lines.
  • WWEMA Website. The WWEMA website offers an in-depth resource providing market and industry reports, links, resources, special Members-Only information and reports, speaker presentations, and meeting summaries.
  • Committee, Coalition, and Liaison Opportunities. Helps members get connected and involved in the Association and the broader water industry. Stay abreast of cutting-edge initiatives from colleagues and partner associations.
  • Personalized Concierge Services. Have a question? Need help with a specific project? WWEMA can find the answer and connect you directly with decision-makers at the national, state, and local level.



WWEMA creates opportunities for members to connect with each other, industry decision-makers, thought leaders, and potential clients. WWEMA maintains an online catalog of member-company products and services, we actively participate in numerous industry events and coalitions, and we hold four major meetings each year on policy, finance, operations, and industry trends. Our various Councils including the Manufacturer’s Rep Council, Finance and Contract Administration (F&CA) Council, and Presidents Council provide opportunities for focused discussion on specific issues. Our one-to-one personalized service ensures that our members can call at any time and receive immediate support to resolve questions or issues arising in the daily course of their business. We connect them to the people and answers that keep their business moving forward.

  • Annual Meeting and Washington Forum. Our two member conferences offer exclusive education regarding the latest technologies, market trends, procurement procedures, government activities and management techniques. We bring in top experts and policy makers to keep you up-to-date and informed.
  • WWEMA Councils. Our Presidents Council, Finance & Contract Administration Council, and Manufacturers Representatives Council allow you and your staff to gather for smaller-group learning and share challenges and solutions with colleagues who face the same issues and challenges as you do each day.
  • WWEMA Online Catalog. Our Technologies and Services Catalog provides a one-stop shop where equipment purchasers can find you and your products on the web.

Invest in the future of your company and join WWEMA today.

Vince Baldasare, The Gorman-Rupp Company

The data WWEMA provides with regard to market and funding conditions keeps us up to speed. It helps us know what to expect and where to direct our resources.
The data WWEMA provides with regard to market and funding conditions keeps us up to speed. It helps us know what to expect and where to direct our resources.

John Dyson, Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.

I’m active in a number of associations in the water industry. The difference between WWEMA and all the others is that this is the only association working specifically for us as manufacturers. It’s the only place providing the specific types of information and connections we need. And not only that, but it tends to be quicker and more nimble than the other organizations, so it gets us what we need when we need it.
I’m active in a number of associations in the water industry. The difference between WWEMA and all the others is that this is the only association working specifically for us as manufacturers. It’s the only place providing the specific types of information and connections we need. And not only that, but it tends to be quicker and more nimble than the other organizations, so it gets us what we need when we need it.

Bill Decker, Fuel Tech, Inc.

We send our entire contracts department to the WWEMA Finance & Contract Administration Council events. If we can avoid even one big contract mistake as a result of this conference, we’ve paid not only for their registrations, but for our WWEMA dues for the whole year.
We send our entire contracts department to the WWEMA Finance & Contract Administration Council events. If we can avoid even one big contract mistake as a result of this conference, we’ve paid not only for their registrations, but for our WWEMA dues for the whole year.