
Executive Committee

WWEMA Executive Committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors and currently serve one-year terms although the Treasurer can serve up to five years. The Executive Committee is  comprised of individuals from the Board. The Executive Committee meets face-to-face in February, April, and November and at other times throughout the year as needed. The primary function of the Executive Committee is to manage the affairs of the Association between Board meetings. Membership on the Executive Committee includes the five Association officers and the Executive Director.

2024 Executive Committee
Chairman Henk-Jan van Ettekoven HUBER Technology, Inc.
Chairman-Elect Jay Conroy Hydro-Dyne Engineering, Inc.
Vice Chair Tom McCurdy Aerzen USA
Treasurer Michelle McNish Walker Process Equipment
Immediate Past Chairman Bill Decker Fuel Tech, Inc.
Secretary/Executive Director Claudio Ternieden WWEMA

Board of Directors

The Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) is a non-profit trade association governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. These individuals are elected by the general membership to serve for a three-year term and are eligible for re-election to a second term of three years. The Board meets face-to-face in April and November annually and at other times throughout the year as needed.

Board Members


Jay Conroy

Chairman-Elect, President
Hydro-Dyne Engineering, Inc.
Executive Committee


Bill Decker

Immediate Past Chairman, Vice President Water & Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Fuel Tech, Inc.
Executive Committee


William Flores

Assistant Treasurer, Vice President, Municipal Systems
Smith & Loveless Inc.
Second Term Expires 2026


Thomas McCurdy

Vice Chair, Director of Environmental Sales
Aerzen USA
Executive Committee


James Horton

Vice President-Process Group
Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.
First Term Expires 2026


Michelle McNish

Treasurer, President
Walker Process Equipment, A Division of McNish Corporation
Executive Committee


Chris Thomson

Director, Vertical Marketing, Utility Networks
First Term Expires 2025


Mark Turpin

Duperon Corporation
First Term Expires 2026


Executive Committee

The Treasurer, Vice Chairman, Chairman-Elect, Chairman, and Past-Chairman shall constitute the Executive Committee, to act for the Board, within the limits prescribed by law when the Board is not in session. The committee shall prepare the Association’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year and shall submit it to the Board of Directors not less than 10 days before the Board Meeting for approval. The Executive Director serves as the Secretary and is a non-voting member of the committee. The Executive Committee reports on all activities to the full Board.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is responsible for selecting the Investment Manager as well as monitoring and evaluating the performance of WWEMA’s investment portfolio on a monthly and quarterly basis.  As changes to the portfolio are recommended, the Investment Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and approving these recommended changes to the investment portfolio and reporting to the Treasurer, Executive Committee, and bi-annually to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director works with the Investment Manager to provide monthly, quarterly, and bi-annual reports to the Executive Committee and the Board and schedule conference calls as needed between the Investment Manager and the Investment Committee.

The Investment Committee is comprised of the Treasurer and three active board members whom are financially astute, full members of the Association, each serving a two-year term, rotating one member each year. The Chairperson is selected from among the three active board members.  The Investment Committee members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms (as long as they are concurrently serving on the WWEMA Board).

Legislative/Regulatory Committee

Lead by the Chair, Vice Chair and all interested members, WWEMA’s Legislative & Regulatory Committee monitors issues affecting the water and wastewater industry and directs the Association’s advocacy efforts.  Through the committee,  WWEMA tracks issues on Capitol Hill and in the Administration, identifies and prioritizes items that need to be addressed, and advocates for the best interests of the membership. As the “Voice of Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers,” WWEMA provides expertise and testimonies on issues such as infrastructure funding; fair and open trade; responsible and technologically achievable environmental laws and regulations; responsible procurement practices; and the introduction of new, innovative technologies.

Buy American Subcommittee of the Legislative/Regulatory Committee

The WWEMA Buy American Committee represents the “Voice of the Manufacturer” on this issue, allowing WWEMA to engage key legislators, the EPA, the Canadian Embassy, and many other stakeholders on a monthly, weekly, and even daily basis.

Marketing & Member Services Committee

Lead by the Chair, Vice Chair and all interested members, the Marketing & Member Services Committee works to ensure the Association monitors and responds to the ever-changing needs of its membership, and promotes the Association to prospective members. The committee seeks to enrich the WWEMA experience through member participation, leadership, and engagement at multiple levels of each organization including young professionals. The committee also works to expand the membership base for the benefit of all WWEMA members and involve members in all aspects of the Association.  Some of this is accomplished through the Member-Get-a-Member Program and at industry events.

Nominating Committee

The Board Chair, with approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is composed of at least three delegates that are representative of the Association’s membership, plus the Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect shall chair the Nominating Committee. The committee shall submit its nominations of candidates for officers and directors to the Board and Annual Meeting, respectively. The committee shall nominate no more than one person for each vacancy.

Strategic Planning Committee

WWEMA develops a Strategic Plan for approval by the Board of Directors in service of the mission of WWEMA and will guide the work of the Association.  This plan is then reviewed on an annual basis by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors to assess whether interim updates are needed.  The current plan, dated 2015-2017, guides the Association’s actions in three key areas – advocate, inform, and connect.  The Chairman-Elect serves as chair of the Strategic Planning Committee which includes all members of the Executive Committee and three at-large members representing both Full and Associate members.


Finance & Contract Administration Council

The F&CA Council offers WWEMA members an opportunity for education related to contract and finance administration.  In addition to ad hoc communications, the Council typically holds a day and a half event each year in the May timeframe. Currently the meeting is open to WWEMA Members and non-members.

Industrial Council

The Industrial Council is a council of WWEMA manufacturer members who develop technologies for industrial applications in the areas of energy, food, beverage, paper, and pulp. The council’s interest is in the areas of education/research and to better understand each industry and their water and wastewater challenges.

Manufacturers Representatives Council

This council of Associate Member manufacturer’s representatives meets with WWEMA Full Member manufacturers to discuss issues facing them and the industry today.

Presidents Council

WWEMA typically holds an annual Presidents Council in the September timeframe. The one-day meeting provides a unique opportunity to discuss a wide range of issues that impact the water and wastewater industry including challenges and opportunities faced by corporate leaders. To participate, a company must be a Full Member of WWEMA and may only send one representative who must abide by the WWEMA Antitrust Policy.  Additionally, this invitation is exclusive to the following senior executives:  CEOs, Presidents, General Managers, Managing Directors, or Business Unit VPs.